Thursday, August 26, 2010

Your Change Can Change Lives!

I just realized that it has been a long time since my last post - that's good, in a way, because I've been busy with people instead of writing.  At any rate, there are great things going on within our organization and we are gearing up for the Baby Bottle Campaign for the Liberty Godparent Foundation

We realize that the economy is tough (we're real people too with real budgets and real financial responsibilities).  That is why I love this fundraiser - it's simple enough for the old and young alike and takes very little effort on your part.  Most of us have that magic spot in our house or car (guilty-mine is the cup holder in my car) where we stash all of the quarters, dimes, nickels and "oh-so-heavy" pennies.  Here's a way to band together and really put that money to great use.

From now through the month of September, we're asking that you collect your loose change in a designated baby bottle like the one above or another container and donate it to the Godparent Foundation at the end of the month.  Of course, we will gratefully accept bills and checks, too!

We have many local churches that have gotten involved and will be passing out bottles within their congregation - we even have a church in Georgia that has gotten on board!  Families from across the United States are finding ways to participate...just this week, we received a check for $1,000 from a family in Chicago who didn't want to miss the blessing of being a part of this campaign.

You might wonder....what exactly is this money used for?  There are two main purposes:  1)  It helps the Liberty Godparent Home to continue to provide free housing, education, and counseling to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and 2)  It helps with the operating expenses and counseling costs for Family Life Services Adoption Agency so we don't have to raise our adoption fees for families.

A baby bottle full of change holds about $20 in coins - stop by FLS and pick up a bottle if you're local to the area and drop it off at the end of the month.  If you're not in close proximity to us, consider sending a donation toward the will change the future of a mother and a child.  Designate any donations not in a baby bottle to "Baby Bottle Campaign" and send them to the Liberty Godparent Foundation, P.O. Box 4199, Lynchburg, Virginia  24502.

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