Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birth Mother Pottery Group - A Different Kind of Therapy!

Last night, we hosted our monthly Birth Mother Support Group at the Liberty Godparent Home.  It was a different kind of group - no discussion plans, no gut-wrenching poems to read, no expectations for each person to share something with the group about her adoption journey...instead, we painted pottery!

To some, this may sound like a silly and frivolous plan and yet we wanted to provide an activity for women with similar experiences to connect on another level...a real-life, everyday kind of level where we can appreciate each person for their style, creativity, zest for life, imagination, etc.  So, they came in jeans & pj's and indulged in chocolate, cookies, chips, and soda while settling in for an evening of relaxation. 

Many of the 15 ladies in attendance have been coming to the group for years (some as many as 8 years) and others were newly acquainted to the group.  As the evening progressed, we found 3 groups of ladies gathered around tables talking about life, love, family, school, work, and adoption.

Several of the women chose to create something as a gift to the child whom they placed with an adoptive family.  This gift will be priceless, unique, and encompasses the eternal love that a birth mother feels for her child. 

Was this group complicated or counseling-oriented?  No.  Was it therapeutic?  Absolutely.  We're learning that sometimes the best plan comes when you think outside the box!

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