Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One Tiny Miracle - Liam's Adoption Story

In almost 10 years of working in the field of adoption, I have heard many adoption stories that could be described as a "whirlwind" but none that has taken place quite like this!  Adoptive parents, Bill & Tami, worked with Family Life Services to complete their home study - the first step of the adoption journey - and within 3 days of the home study's completion had learned of their son's birth, met his birth mother, were selected to become adoptive parents, and brought their new baby home from the hospital!  Tami agreed to share the amazing details of their story with our readers to bring HOPE to those waiting for a miracle of their own.

We are the proud new parents of a baby boy that we adopted here in our home town on Monday, January 17th at 4pm, he was two days old - it all has happened so quickly and in an amazingly miraculous way. We certainly know the Lord had a big part in bringing us our son. Here's our story...After a long infertility journey for the last few years, our prayers led us to adoption. We had been working with Family Life Services since November on our home study. Very "ironically", Deanne contacted us on Friday, January 14th, to let us know that our home study was complete, so we were officially able to start working with our agency to adopt a baby to complete our family - and never in a million years did we think our child would be in our arms this quickly...NEVER. Talk about a miracle in the making!

Our son, Liam, is a healthy bouncing beautiful boy brought into this world by a wonderful birth mother whom we are forever thankful for. How we were connected with her is a miracle in itself. Liam was born on Saturday, January 15th, at 7pm. He was a big boy at 9 lb 1 oz, 20.75 inches long, and beautiful! He came into the world 4 hours before his baby boy first COUSIN, Mitchell, who was born in the same hospital. Although, we did not know he was OUR son at the time he was born. On an average, January, Sunday morning, we were thrilled to go meet our new nephew at the hospital that morning.  About 6 hours later, we learned from a physician who was a family friend (who was on call in Labor & Delivery, who knew that Bill & I were hoping to adopt a child) that there was a baby born 3 doors down from Bill's sister, to a birth mother that had no previous adoption plan and wanted to place her child with an adoptive family immediately. Our friend, who was a physician, immediately thought of us and contacted our family.

If our nephew had not decided he wanted to come into this world on Saturday, January 15th, and our family friend was not on call - and God had not put this plan in place, we would not have our son. We were so overwhelmed and ecstatic that this had all fallen into place. And with God's grace, we brought our son home on Tuesday, January 18th, with NO preparation of course...but happier than ever! 10 days later, after our final court date, we had officially adopted our son!

Miracles do happen - if anyone believes - we sure do.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing story! Thank you for being willing to share how God orchestrated all of the events. God's timing is so perfect!


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