From a professional standpoint, this belief is what carries us through the most stressful of adoption situations and emotional ups and downs. Our job is to provide counseling and services to the best of our ability and ensure the safety of children - not to force a parenting or adoption decision on any birth parent. Ultimately, God is in total control and I have seen Him work out details through divine intervention to place an infant with an adoptive family; similarly, I have seen Him open doors for a birth parent who felt that they had no support to successfully parent and make a way for them to have a bright future for themselves and their child. What a burden is lifted when we realize that we are powerless and He is powerful.
During the last year, our staff, birth families, and adoptive families have experienced a variety of sudden losses of both family and friends. The idea that "our days are numbered" has been central to many conversations within the office. Although grief and loss are difficult and painful to work through, this has resulted in a renewed focus to be intentional in our lives, to embrace our ultimate purpose, and to wholeheartedly strive to make every day count. Life is too short to sit around and ponder the past or worry about what the future may bring. We can't change the past or control the future, but we can influence the present. Let's live every day as if it were the last and see what a difference a day makes...
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