Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cameron's Story: 16 & Pregnant - Part 3

FLS Birthmom, Cameron, has graciously allowed us to follow along as she shares her personal journey of teenage pregnancy. If you haven't been following along, make sure to go back to read Part 1 & Part 2. Her story is one of intense emotion, struggling faith, and ultimate victory.

I called Deanne the next day and told her that I had made my mind up and wanted to place this child for adoption. I stated that I didn’t want to consider any other family. I was bound and determined that Roger & Pat were my son’s new parents. She informed me that there was another girl who was considering this family. NO WAY. This was MY family. I left feeling hurt and depressed...dreading the possibility of having to start this process over again.

Deanne called me and told me that another girl had called and asked Roger and Pat to be her child’s adoptive parents and they agreed. She told me that, after speaking to the agency’s director, she was able to call and ask them if they were willing to adopt another child as well. Deanne called me back and said, “Great news. They would love to adopt your son as well.” We called them to tell them I had chosen them and the enthusiastically agreed to parent my son. I remember feeling like there was a weight lifted from my chest and I felt so much relief.

Pat and I spoke often and the more we talked the closer I felt to her. She reminded me so much of my mom and I felt like I could tell her anything. Our relationship grew stronger and I shared with her any news I received from my doctor. We continued to keep in touch weekly.

Finally, the time came when my doctor informed me that he would be inducing me the following Monday. I was glad to not have to be pregnant anymore and I was happy to have these little feet out of my ribs! I was admitted to the hospital at 5:00 a.m. to start the birthing process. Ryan Joshua was born a few hours later and I couldn’t wait to tell Pat. I called her from the hospital and she was so excited...I was too.

They brought Ryan to me and I was overwhelmed with emotion. He was beautiful. I couldn’t stop kissing him. Later that night I held him close and told him that he was very special to me and that I found the perfect family for him that could give him everything he wanted and needed. I told him that I would always love him and would be here every step of his life. I made a promise to him that I would never stop loving him. That night, we snuggled and slept together and all I could think about was how I couldn’t wait for Pat to lay eyes on him. She and Roger were going to love him.

The day came to leave the hospital and, though my heart ached to leave Ryan there, I knew that he was going to be well taken care of and this was the plan I felt was best.

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